Friday, August 8, 2014

My results so far - Before and After photos!

I have NEVER shared these with the internet...

Aye. I am still sort of nervous about sharing them, but I am proud of myself and I have been working hard, eating well, exercising, drinking my greens and detoxifying my body with my herbal wraps.

I know this wraps get a lot of bad press because people aren't really sure what they are, but I assure you they are NOT dehydration wraps. They are much, much different.

So here's the thing. Back a few years ago when wraps were the IN thing to do, everyone was getting one to the tune of $50 and up in a hoity-toity spa. I know, because I looked into it. What they did back then was rub a highly caffeinated lotion all over you, wrap you tightly in ACE bandages and let you sweat it out for 60 minutes. And you drank a lot of water to flush you out (and also keep you from passing out) and after a few days you were back to normal. They were great before a wedding or a high school reunion because you only needed the results to last a few days. Then you actually ate something, or drank something and you were back to your normal hydrated (and slightly bloated) self.

What these new wraps are, are much different. They contain a highly potent blend of active herbal ingredients, abundant with natural substances, essential oils and natural organic, non-GMO botanicals, which help provide the skin nutrients required to facilitate the natural process of skin renewal.

In layman's terms? It really works.

Believe me, I was like you too. I scoffed at the results. Can you say Photoshop? Until I saw my own. The way my pants fit better (bye bye muffin top!) the way my dresses looked sleeker (no more mommy pooch!), the way I FELT better, and my husband noticed my tighter, firmer skin and told me how hot I looked. Sold.

OK, so here are my before and afters so far... Don't laugh!
Here's after my first wrap, before during at the at 72 hour mark. My tummy does look firmer, but I can't even believe the results on my back! How much smoother it is, and firmer too. I decided to continue after I had such great results, because what did I have to lose? (besides a few more inches and wobbly bits?)

A full treatment is 4 wraps, but here are my first 3 wraps and results. I still need to work on some areas, but these results, without any extra anything? That's pretty good, I think. I will continue to wrap, but now I am using a few other products as well to help with my journey.

So I am pretty proud of myself. Yup, yup. I decided to just take a step. A single small step, in the right direction. First was getting the motivation that I could do it. After one wrap, I had that. Next was diet - I am now on 1 Vanilla ProFit shake a day in the morning, 2 scoops of Greens, 2 Fat Fighters with my big meals, and 1 ThermoFit twice a day.

Next comes the exercise! On top of all of this, I swim, walk a lot, and just signed up for some PiYo DVD's through my friend who is a distributor! So I am so excited to post lots more before and afters! This is just the beginning!


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